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Question 1 In consideration of __________ a/an __________ will weigh __________ to determine if there is a _______________ injuries, expert, 50% of the evidence, malpractice case.
damages, jury, preponderance, case.
burden of proof, jury, expert testimony, preponderance of the evidence.
patient care, expert, patient, negligence tort.
Question 2 The evaluation of proposed expert testimony by the court involves ________ standards and is known as a______________. four, Daubert hearing.
conforming medical, Frye test.
only the judge, expert conformance hearing. peer review, pretrial evaluation.
peer review, pretrial evaluation.
Question 3 The patient may be the ___________, otherwise it may be the _____________ if there is a _________. decedent, court will determine, basis for malpractice.
plaintiff, estate administrator, wrongful death suit.
defendant, physician, wrongful death suit.
plaintiff, executor, administrator.
Question 4 A plaintiff must establish all ____ elements of the __________for a successful medical malpractice claim. 2, injury
3, damages
4, tort of negligence
5, malfeasance