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Question 1 Tumors that affect the abdominal cavity often cause symptoms at ____________ stage. an early
an intermediate
a late
the final
Question 2 In severe cases of the disease, the following signs and symptoms may be present: thrombophlebitis ,disseminated intravascular coagulation, shingles, jaundice,
low blood sugar level, pleural effusion, pulmonary emboli, colitis
disseminated intravascular coagulation, jaundice, low blood sugar level, pleural effusion,
reflux, blood clots in the arteries of the lungs, severe ascites, thrombophlebitis
Question 3 Mesothelioma may also occur in the ________, the ________ or the_______. endometrium, vagina, acetabulum
pericardium, cardium, atrium
esogaphus, stomach, lungs
peritoneum, pericardium, tunica vaginalis
Question 4 malignant mesothelioma, is a rare form of ______ that develops from the protective lining that covers many of the body's internal organs, the mesothelium. It is usually caused by exposure to asbestos. mutation